Thursday, August 14, 2014

10 藍莓派可以用的硬體設備



USB Remotes 的搖桿

  • The FLIRC USB dongle allows the use of any remote control with your Raspberry Pi. Configure the device on your desktop PC, then simply plug into your Pi for a perfect media center companion. Available from Pi Supply and The Pi Hut

  • ASUS TV FM Remote IR – ID 3353:3713 – works. Receiver connected to an USB Hub. Tested with archlinux in X. It works also as pointer (pressing “Toggle” button)

  • ATI Remote Wonder (X10 Wireless Technology, Inc. X10 Receiver) — ID 0bc7:0004 — appears as a joystick-like 2 button mouse and a 0-9 keypad without drivers on console and X.

  • iPazzport mini 2.4 GHz wireless keyboard and touchpad.

  • Pan.Code D1000 – 2.4GHz Wireless keyboard and touchpad.

  • PKB 1800 Wireless Smart Pad ad Mini Keyboard. The pad works as a mouse, but not multi touch features. The keyboard works.

USB Wi-Fi Adapters 無線網路設備

看這裡 RPi USB Wi-Fi Adapters

USB Bluetooth adapters 藍牙設備

This section has been moved to a separate page. See RPi USB Bluetooth adapters

USB Ethernet adapters 網路RJ45

This section has been moved to a separate page. See RPi USB Ethernet adapters

USB 3G Dongles 3G 網路


  • E1750

  • E173

  • E1820 Works on Raspbian with Sakis3G

  • E220 installation instructions

  • E353 HiLink Works on Raspbian

  • E160 (AT commands only)

  • E169, E620, E800, (12d1:1001) – works on Raspbian Wheezy, details here

Sierra Wireless

  • AirCard 250u works with wvdial/network manager

  • AirCard 320u (0f3d:68aa) works in WWAN mode, driver provided by the kernel. Tested on Arch.
    • Kernel version 3.10 has a bug that causes the WWAN interface to never be in RUNNING state (no carrier). Use 3.6 kernel instead.

    • AT command guide can be found here

    • for GPS to work you have to enable it. First, setup the modem (guide here) and after that enable NMEA output by passing nmea=1 parameter to the sierra kernel module. Warning! Enabling NMEA output may cause the modem to drop connections / restart itself. This is probably related to higher power drain. This may not be the issue when a powered hub is used.

  • 307 Works fine with Sakis3G script. The connection LED does not change its state after establishing a connection but the same behaviour on a normal linux system.

  • AirCard 340u (Netgear/ATT Beam) works with latest GobiNet/GobiSerial code on Raspbian and 3.10.25+ kernel. Requires firmware update from Netgear to disable Windows 8 support and make it autoconnect. guide here.


USB Sound Cards 音效卡

You will usually want the alsa package for sound. In the Debian image for Raspberry Pi (and possibly other distributions) USB sound cards are prevented from loading as the first sound card, which can be an annoyance if it’s the only device you have. To disable this behaviour edit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and comment out the last line; options snd-usb-audio index=-2 . If you are not user pi you may need to add your username to the audiogroup thus: sudo adduser yourusername audio (user pi usually belongs to this group anyway).

USB TV Tuners and DVB devices 電視卡

  • August
    • DVB-T205, based on rtl2832u chipset, worked with this driver on older 3.2 kernel. Couldn’t get same device working reliably on current kernel. (On the older 3.2 kernel it worked with Saorview (Irish DTT service), both HD & SD.)

  • DVBSky
    • Mystique SaTiX-S2 Sky USB: Scanning/watching SD and HD works via vdr and streamdev plugin, watching on the Raspberry Pi directly is laggy as hell. DVB-USB and I2C support must be enabled in the kernel. Needs drivers/firmware from here.

  • Sundtek
    • Sundtek MediaTV Digital Home

    • Sundtek MediaTV Pro

    • Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate

    • DVB-C, DVB-T, DVB-S/S2: digital TV works, streaming to Windows / Linux is no problem. Easy installationEnglish

  • Hauppauge
    • Hauppauge NOVA-T Stick (Revision 70xxx) DiBcom DiB0700 chipset, requires powered hub.

    • Hauppauge NOVA-TD Stick (Revision 52xxx) DiBcom DiB0700 chipset, requires powered hub.

    • Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1950 (tested analog tuner with omxplayer, tested Digital OTA with MythTV)

    • Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-950Q (tested Digital OTA with TVHeadend in Raspbian)

  • K-World
    • K-World UB499-2T Dual DVB-T USB Tuner. IT9137 chipset. With no other USB devices connected Raspberry Pi can just about power this stick. IR and supplied remote work with XBMC.

  • Technisat

  • Terratec

  • Generic
    • DVB-T USB Dongle (Silver casing), based on AF9015 chipset.

    • DVB-T USB Dongle, based on RTL2832 FC12 (HD/SD), IR was detected, but it is not tested.

    • HDTV USB DVB-T dongle, based on IT9135. This tuner comes in two revisions. Revision is printed on PCB.
      • rev. 1.0; should work with 3.2+ kernel, need confirmation.

      • rev. 2.0; works with kernel 3.6.11, without a powered hub. This tuner also requires a firmware (dvb-usb-it9135-02.fw) which can be downloaded from this page. It’s in Hungarian, so google translate or equivalent is recommended. The remote also works.

        According to this post, there may be issues on some software configurations when using omxplayer.

USB Video / Frame grabbers 影像捕捉器

  • EasyCAP DC60 (STK1160 chip) – works out of the box for older versions of Raspbian. If you’re getting grey stripes see this tutorial

  • EasyCAP (UTV007 Fushicai chip) – works after driver compilation – see instructions at this link. remember to use older Raspbian version.

  • Hauppage HVR 1900

USB Webcams  網路攝影機

請看這裡 RPi USB Webcams

USB GPS devices 定位設備

  • Columbus
    • Columbus V-800 (MediaTek (MTKII) 3329 GPS chipset) – does not require powered USB hub. Works on Wheezy (using gpsd & gpsd-clients)

  • Royaltek
    • Royaltek RGM 2000 SiRF2 using the included serial (TTL) to USB – converter (Prolific pl2303-chip)

  • Garmin

  • GlobalSat
    • GlobalSat BU-353 Does not require a powered hub, works fine when directly plugged into the Raspberry Pi. On Raspian, requires the gpsd and gpsd-client packages. For some reason, the gpsd daemon does not always start correctly on boot. You may need to do something like the following to manually restart it:
      sudo killall gpsd; sudo gpsd /dev/ttyUSB0 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock

    • GlobalSat BU-353-S4 supports two protocols: NMEA, and SiRF v4. NMEA works fine, but SiRF v4 isn’t compatible with “gpsd”‘s SiRF v3 interpreter, resulting in a greatly reduced data rate (as low as four location fixes per hour). To keep “gpsd”‘s autoconfiguration from putting the receiver in SiRF mode, you’ll need to pass the “-b” flag when starting “gpsd”.

  • Wintec
    • WBT-200: No problem on Debian

  • Holux
    • Holux M-215: Works fine on Arch, uses Silicon Labs CP210x RS232 serial adaptor driver

  • Bluenext
    • Bluenext BN903S: No problem on Debian image (19-04-2012).

  • U blox NEO 6 – works well, connects via GPIO (serial console). Info here and here.

10 藍莓派可以用的硬體設備

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